Welcome to HACP!

In 2024 we are going to continue to move forward with exciting new ideas to grow the partnership. We hope you’ll take this journey with us!

We support events that unite the community, enhance the quality of life for our residents, and generate interest by raising awareness of the businesses, heritage, historical destinations, and natural beauty of our area.

When you join HACP, your membership offers several ways to advertise your business or events through our website, Facebook page, and other social media. Membership in the Hollidaysburg Area Community Partnership is a great benefit for all involved as it continues to further the growth of our community.  We are a volunteer driven non-profit organization.  All members are invited to attend our monthly board meetings, provide input, and/or work alongside us on one of our various committees.  Your involvement is needed and encouraged!

– HACP Board of Directors


Our mission is to support initiatives which promote a strong, welcoming, and vibrant community. We’re focused on the growth and development of current and new local businesses, non-profits, and service organizations.



We’re focused on the growth and development of current and new local businesses, non-profits, and service organizations. Learn how we can help support you & the community. 


Membership in the Hollidaysburg Area Community Partnership is a great benefit for all involved as it continues to further the growth of our community as a whole.


Events throughout the year are created to bring the community together and draw in more business to the Hollidaysburg Area. Members are encouraged to submit their own events as well.